- Be Respectful: Whether good, bad or indifferent, respect is paramount. At the end of the day we’re humans first and foremost.
- Be Patient: Unlike the music industry or Hollywood where you can shoot to stardom overnight, soccer is a journey and requires discipline and dedication.
- Be Selfish: It does sound harsh but it’s always about the “You Show”. If you need a reminder refer to Soccer is always about the “You Show”
- Superstar Mentality: That’s right. You must believe in yourself and have the spirit of a champion.
- Demand the best: If you believe your coach doesn’t cut the mustard, find yourself a new club. You only get one crack at this.
- Be Cool, Calm and Collected: Don’t be aggressive even when things don’t work out and no I’m not impersonating Richie Benau.
- Embrace Criticism: Learn from your mistakes and accept constructive criticism.
- Grit your teeth: When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
- Practice, Practice, Practice (self-explanatory)
- Listen: The best way to learn is to listen.
- Read: Read and study the greats. Amazon is filled with great autobiographies.
- Goals: Set Goals, targets and don’t stop until you reach them.
- Be likeable: Likeability in sports is just as important as your technical ability. You could be the best player in the world and never get a game if everybody hates you.
- Pull your socks up: Although a figure of speech, pull them up.
- Feed the hunger: Make sure your diet is adequate and filled with carbohydrates.
- Work on your weaknesses: Don’t hide, improve. Training is the best place to make mistakes. Chances are you train in front of 10 people and that’s including the canteen staff.
- Be Realistic: Before Barcelona, Manchester and Milan comes hard work and sacrifice.
- Socialise/Network: Source out the best coaches and listen to them.
- Decisions: The decisions you make in soccer and in life will shape the player you inevitable become. Choose wisely.
- Say No: Learn to say no if you do not agree.
- Say Yes: When you agree, give your coach and team 100% support.
- Stay Hydrated: Always ensure your motors are hydrated to avoid cramps and other injuries.
- Rest: Recharge the batteries. Don’t over do it.
- Sleep: Refer to above.
- Practice, Practice, Practice
- Specialise: Free kicks, long throw ins, fittest, strongest, pick one and stick to it.
- Harness your strengths: Whether it’s speed, technical ability or strength, keep your blades sharp at all times.
- Beat your Personal Best: Compete against yourself and strive for immortality.
- Ditch the comfort zone: Extend yourself and practice with your weaker foot.
- Have Fun: The reason why you started playing the game, REMEMBER!
- Smile: Show your pearly whites.
- Laugh: Why not, you’re having fun, R-I-G-H-T!
- Be Good to your mum: Not negotiable.
- Don’t take it for granted: Here today, gone today.
- Stretch: Aaaargh needed that.
- BELIEVE: Who better to believe in yourself, than yourself.
- Be Positive: Forget the negative stuff.
- Pump Iron: “I must break you” in a heavy Russian accent.
- Don’t be a donkey! The Donkey Effect
- Wear your shin guards: Safety first.
- Look Professional: I like what you’ve done with your hair.
- Concentrate: Don’t drift into the sunset.
- Make Friends: Let me know when you find your best friend.
- Juggle: Not for the circus but for your touch.
- Clean your boots: Nothing like a bit of shine.
- Watch the game: If you’re going to watch television, watch soccer.
- Dream: Picture yourself playing in front of 100,000 supporters.
- Never Judge: Accept all races and differences.
- Be skeptical: Question everything.
- Ask: Tell me what you want.
- Brush your teeth: You’ll thank me after you’ve received a couple of hundred elbows to the kisser.
- Don’t forget the doggies: Get your mind out of the gutter, SPRINTS silly.
- Always do a Pre-season: Unless you want to sit on the bench.
- Don’t Never base your decisions on money: Follow your heart.
- Always ask questions: Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
- Make it happen: The choice is yours.
- Don’t do drugs: If I’m too late, then stop.
- Don’t smoke cigarettes:
- Booze less: Be your best.
- Encourage your teammates: Lend a helping hand.
- Comfort your teammates: Give them a shoulder.
- Awareness: Your bad performance is not a reflection of your character, shake it off.
- Miss a Penalty: Not on purpose of course, but have the guts to take one.
- Love your parents (family): They have given you the greatest gift in the world, SOCCER.
- Update your Goals: Set the bar higher.
- Celebrate your achievements and victories.
- Keep a diary and take photos: Start a scrapbook, but never leave it with an X-girlfriend.
- Keep Warm: When it’s Cold.
- Keep Cool: When it’s Hot.
- Practice, Practice, practice.
- Visualise: Can you see it, feel it and smell it. Close your eyes.
- Recovery: Don’t rush back early and treat injuries seriously. Trust me!
- Measure: monitor improvements.
- JUST DO IT: Not sure where I got this one from.
- Think: Question: Ask
- Stick together in victory and in defeat. Your team should resemble the Spartans.
- Sing the Club Song after every victory.
- If you don’t have one, For it’s a grand old team to play for, For it’s a grand old team to say. And if, you know, the history, It’s enough to make your heart go,Oh oh oh. We don’t care if we win lose or draw, What the hell do we care? For we only know that there’s gonna be a show And the (your team) will be there!
- Don’t fall victim to Soccrastination: Acknowledge it and tackle it.
- Do the Right thing: Forget backstabbing and the popularity contest.
- Research: Listen to Science, it’s proven.
- Blood, Sweat and Tears: Forget gimmicks, supplements and marketing hype.
- Find your happy place and train there on your own.
- Don’t be afraid: Never give in to fear.
- Before signing your first contract, have your father present or get yourself a manager.
- Never take “no” for an answer: You didn’t make the cut, neither did Michael Jordan.
- Roll up your sleeves and get out the elbow grease.
- Kick the ball against the wall: If it doesn’t come back get the boomerang out of your foot.
- Join a Soccer Forum and seek help. World Class Coaching
- Read and watch the soccer news.
- Read Soccer Blogs
- Demand respect: Are you talking to me?
- Work on your aerobic capacity: Run Forest Run.
- Work on your anaerobic threshold: Breathe in from your nose and exhale from your mouth while trying to catch your breath.
- Stay motivated: Keep your eyes on the Prize.
- Throw away the Nintendo: Mario can wait.
- Never Give Up
- Go to games: Watch and soak up the atmosphere.
- Enjoy the Ride and “may the winds of destiny blow you to the stars.”
- Rinse and Repeat.
Thanks for the link! Great blog post!
Thank you for this long but precise and helpful post.
Thank you much
Wow, that’s a great list. A little intimidating at first, but lots of great ideas and tips, thank you!