If you’re a regular Soccer Mastermind reader you’ve probably come across some great posts and information. (Preens)
Only joking, but I put a lot of effort into my posts and try and provide the best information possible. Most of the information is based on facts and to some extent scientific research. A smaller proportion is based on experience with a sprinkle of egotistical ranting. Last but not least, those analogies and my attempts to be creative that magically appear from the depths of La La land.
So what’s the point?
The main objective of this site is to challenge the Status Quo, to challenge ideas and to challenge you as a soccer player, coach or parent.
An alarming statistic has Soccer at the top of the codes but with the smallest retention rate. The latest figures suggest that over 80% of youth players will quit the game before they become teenagers.
Surely this can’t be true?
Do you know what the definition of insanity is?
Courtesy of Mr Webster himself,
- A deranged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder.
- Such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction.
- Extreme unreasonableness.
- Something utterly foolish or unreasonable.
Interesting definitions 3 and 4 don’t you think?
Based on these definitions it would be a safe bet that most soccer parents suffer from insanity.
Do you suffer from insanity? Will you be the reason why your child quits the game? If you’re the reason why soccer is no longer fun maybe you should refrain from attending training and definitely stay away from match day.
Am I being too harsh?
Who honestly thinks Kids Soccer is in great shape? Who believes everything is fine and there is no reason to deviate from the current environment.
The Status Quo suggests that 8 out of 10 kids will quit the game before they become teenagers. Do we need to change something? Is this acceptable?
Do we need to provide stray jackets and meds to all parents before they enter the ground? My definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
So before I go, what size are you?
A bit extreme but at least I’ve got you thinking.
“May the winds of destiny blow you to the stars.”
I agree that parents have a key role in the burn out or lack of enjoyment that turns their child away from soccer, however it is only one factor in this winner take all culture in the US. I think more education on how to be a good soccer parent will help but we have found it very hard to encourage parents to educate themselves. Robin Russell formerly of the English FA and CEO at Sports Path has created four E-Learning courses for soccer parents but getting them to take them has proven very difficult. You can read more about them here: http://www.soccerinteractive.com/g1col.aspx?c=parents.
This is always a hard topic to address with parents because they don’t want to listen or admit that they can have a negative affect on their kids soccer experience. Thanks for addressing this harsh topic.
Definitely something to think about however your statistics might be a little high. Last time they published them at 73%. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for stopping by Tim.
@ Jonathan, 73% or 80% is not the point is it? The number is significant enough, how’s that.
I’m not sure that the figures here are too high. My kid has been playing soccer for 5 years now and yes, probably 80% of the kids he started with at 10 are gone now he’s 15. They love the game and then Mom and/or Dad just take all the joy out of it because they see visions of big money in their heads.
Gday Melanie, give or take a few percentages, the statistics are correct. The point I’m trying to make is exactly what you’ve left as a comment.
“They love the game and then Mom and/or Dad just take all the joy out of it because they see visions of big money in their heads.”
Thanks for stopping in.