Many Soccer players go about their game in a surprisingly casual way. The enjoyment and excitement are all that matter and coaching and training are often considered tedious and irksome, but under the direction of a skilled coach who introduces a scientific approach getting fit can be fun. Not only does the player perform better because he is fitter, but he soon realises that good training is the best insurance against injury.
Coaches must remember that young players quickly tire of a monotonous repetition of mechanical exercises and should always be on the alert to switch from one type of activity to another. The first essential for building sound footballers is to start with boys who easily acquire correct muscular habits and quick co-ordination of brain and body. It is from their ranks that the senior players for the professional and amateur clubs will be found. Will you or your child be one of them?
Soccer Drill 1 : Crossing the Pitch with the Soccer Ball.
The following Soccer Drill is a great warm up routine.
Soccer Drill- crossing-pitch-with-ball (View Animated Drill)
No. Of Players: No Limit.
Playing Area: Section of the ground approx 30-60 metres wide.
Duration: 15-20 Minutes
Rules: The players are split into 2 teams and stand on opposite touchlines. Each player has a ball. On the word go each player dribbles to the other touchline and back.
Variations/Advanced: It’s a good idea to do some physical exercises like sit ups, cartwheels or push ups before the dribbling routine.
Objective of this Soccer Drill.
- Full use of bodily movement and in conjuction with gymnastic exercises are best suited for the acceleration of the muscular warming up process.
- This drill is intensive and continuous.
- Is primary function is to warm up.
- Allows players to develop their dribbling skills.
- Also develops close control and vision when running with the ball. Players from opposing teams must look out for each other and avoid collisions.
- First team to complete the drill recieves 1 point and then the next players in line take off and continue the drill without stopping.
actually i am a soccer columnist and managing editor of the above news firm Digest publications
soccer is my ultimate field, i dont mind to contribute in moderate form in areas that will benefit the website and its readers,
thank you
Ebrima N manneh