All soccer experts who say pain is the greatest motivator have forgotten the power of love.
People will scale mountains with luggage on their backs, swim upstream in a creek full of crocodiles, go into a hurricane and battle against armies and unbeatable odds to fulfil the emotion in us to love and be loved. What about the mother that defies physics and lifts a car to save her only child?
Love rules.
Love moves everyone.
Love has destroyed empires and helped build them.
Love is the greatest motivator.
Love is the greatest pleasure trigger.
If you ask me and I’m glad you did, Love isn’t an emotion but rather a mindset. And as a mindset it is the strongest force in the world, stronger than any other emotion.
Something to think about next time.
Does the stick (discipline) inspire?
Does the carrot (reward) inspire?
What about love? Does love inspire?
Listen up carefully please.
Our goal isn’t to tell players what’s wrong with them or to remind them of their pain or mistakes, but to help them imagine and then experience the pleasure they long to have, love.
I like to call it Love-Based Soccer.
It’s the greatest, it’s noble and it works.
Why haven’t you tried it?
I bet you’ve tried everything else!
Whether you’re a player, coach, parent or just someone surfing the net, read the message in the above picture. It might just change your life.
“May the winds of destiny blow you to the stars.”
Hey, I love this stuff, well done. It rinds me of Daniel pink’s book, Drive. He talks about the third motivated (not a carrot or a stick). Keep it up.