Does anyone know the reason why we procrastinate? Thousands and thousands of soccer players around the world are doing it every day.
A common fear that young players have is that of being judged. Procrastination is used as a refuge because it effectively eliminates fear and any opportunities of being judged.
Not only that, procrastination rewards you. Young players or players that lack confidence will find refuge at the end of the line. They will only participate in training drills when they absolutely have to. Not getting involved, hiding and procrastinating reduces tension and eliminates all pressures by simply not getting involved in something they view as hard, painful or even threatening.
The more painful soccer is for you, the more you will try to seek relief through avoidance. Am I on the right track here? Does this sound familiar? I know it happens because I was exactly the same when I was playing.
The more relief you receive from avoidance, the greater chance you have of getting involved in more pleasurable activities. For example, it’s a winter’s night or day and its freezing. You know you need to train but you procrastinate and wait for the cold to pass. While you’re at home you will either turn on the TV, PlayStation or crack open a cold can depending on your age and situation. Over 95% of players reading this will have succumb to the lure of leisure rather than train when it’s uncomfortable. This isn’t a problem if you play the sport for leisure. It’s nice to have a large variety of leisure activities.
What if you want to play professionally? What happens when your kids want to play in the big leagues?
If you answered yes to the above questions let me further the interrogation. Do you like being under pressure or do you like the feeling of anxiety or stress? If you do can you please send me an email and tell me your secrets. In exchange I’ll give you the location of the Loch ness Monster.
Most soccer players are addicted to procrastinating. What better way to relieve yourself of pressures and anxiety that relate to soccer by not doing it at all. Not only do you use procrastination to cope with fears, but you also get rewarded for it.
The problem starts with certain clichés that get thrown around. Have you heard “I am what I do”? What a load of bullshit. Don’t get me wrong, there is some truth to this but you should never validate clichés like this one. By believing in a statement like this, you indirectly agree that a judgment of your soccer ability is a judgment of yourself. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Could this be the reason why you hide at the back of the lines at training? Could this be the reason why you refuse to cross the ball in with your opposite foot or should I say your weaker foot? Could this be the reason why you fear judgment when you play soccer? Soccer is not a game designed to validate you as a person. Have you ever watched Christiano Ronaldo play soccer? Next time you watch him, count how many mistakes he makes during the game. Chances are he will make the most mistakes by a significant number. Is he still the best player in the world? Absolutely! Is he a good person with caring attributes, couldn’t tell you.
The point is that soccer is a sport played by millions all over the world and has a pecking order based on playing ability. Playing ability will vary depending on your commitment. The game will never judge you as a person. So why fear it? Make mistakes, play with freedom and most importantly enjoy the game. Stop procrastinating and stop making excuses.
Great players make mistakes all the time. If you don’t make mistakes it simply means you’re not trying or you’re procrastinating. Ronaldo doesn’t hide at the back in training. He demands the ball, he wants the ball and he wants to make mistakes. For every stroke of genius he displays you will easily count 10 mistakes. Even the most critical coaches and supporters will forgive you if you try and make mistakes. But if they sense you are hiding, scared or procrastinating they will unleash a great fury of resentment towards you. Think about that next time you decide to hide or procrastinate.
For all those who have found refuge in procrastination here’s a thought from yours truly. Did I procrastinate when I was young? Yes I did! Was I rewarded by other leisurely activities? Yes I was. But think about this next time you decide to miss training or avoid working on your game. Can I go out drinking with my friends now, yes I can. Can I play Xbox or PlayStation now, yes I can. Can I chase exotic women from all over the world, I can try. But can I still play soccer at the highest level? No I cannot!
Procrastination will only lead to old age. Old age will only lead to your retirement. So the take home message for the day is, “Please don’t find refuge in Procrastination”.
You are right man. you are on the right track and doing very well to aware the soccer players. They should analyze themselves.
Just subscribe. I am agree with your point of view. Well job, keep it up. Its also a worship of this game.