Can anyone tell me what a tyrant is? Gone are the days of communism and that eventually brought the demise of the tyrant. Or has it? Believe it or not we have a tyrant right here in Australia. Do you know who it is?
I’ll give you some clues.
The royal tyrant is the bearer of the supreme power, which he uses according to the evil maxims against his country, against law and order, against life, security, justice, morality and internal peace. For those that are guessing it’s not the Prime minister.
The radically evil is pestilence himself and is infectious and attracts other kinds of evil.
At the end of the day, radical evil must be dethroned. It can only be dethroned by civil war, but a kind of civil war that will become also a kind of purgatory. That is, if evil reigns, good must rally against evil.
How can radical evil acquire the position of supreme power? Well, it doesn’t acquire it, but takes it at all costs. There is no single recipe or blueprint. He becomes a tyrant when he begins to smell resistance. Is the Australian tyrant smelling resistance? Will the tyrant be dethroned through civil war?
If you’ve read this far, thank you. Believe it or not I do have a point.
The Australian tyrant I talk of is AFL, better known to Australians as Aussie Rules. The leader or dictator is Andrew Demetriou.
To all those who have opposed Soccer in Australia for decades I have something for you.
“Say hello to my little friend”
One word for the haters, Socceroos. With the valiant showing in the last World Cup and with one foot planted firmly in South Africa, the tyrant once again has surfaced his ugly head.
The AFL needs to have a hard look at itself. Lets rewind the clock a bit. The A League Grand final was schedule on the same day Collingwood was due to play Richmond. Andrew Demetriou insisted that the AFL was going to play at the Telstra dome. Hahahahahahah. What is the attraction Demetiou? The NAB cup? Please go away. Hang on a minute I nearly forgot, Ben Cousins returning to football. Demetriou we are talking about the A League Grand Final. Why would you ever think you could override this? Although you still flexed your muscles, the decision went to Soccer Australia and rightly so. Is the tyrant ready to be dethroned?
Lets recap some past headlines shall we,
“Has the King of the Codes been dethroned?”
“Against monumental odds and an apparently invincible foe, Soccer Australia has defeated AFL”
“Soccer beats AFL to Gold Coast Club”
“AFL has hissy fit over use of grounds”
“New arena specifically designed for Soccer”
Let’s talk about the last headline for a minute. Anyone remember it? The Government and the sporting governing body decided to allocate some funds to the greatest sport in the world. Everyone was happy and Melbourne Victory was given a new hunting ground. But there was a catch! The stadiums capacity would only be 10,000. Why? AFL decided to add fuel to the fire arguing that we didn’t need another sporting arena in Melbourne. Melbourne Victory declined the offer and rightly so. Is good rallying against evil? Is the underdog rising to the occasion? David and Goliath anyone?
Demetriou and all Soccer haters in Australia, why are you digging your heels in over seemingly trivial issues? I’ll tell you why! The AFL has identified a threat. A growing threat that if left alone will surely dethrone the tyrant and knock AFL of the top of the sporting pile.
Go to the local primary schools and you will see kids wearing Manchester united and Liverpool tops. The country has decided and it’s Soccer. If I really want to push the envelope it’s Football. When people refer to football the chances are they’re talking about Soccer not AFL Demetriou. If it’s not Soccer than I’ll bet money its American Football.
Okay let me cool down for a minute. I accept everyone has their own sporting preferences. But all I ask of Demetriou and the Australian media is this,
Keep your hands of the World Game! Why have we got Aussie Rules reporters posting articles when Soccer has turned ugly. When soccer has been tainted with Hooligans or ethnic violence. Why are you reporting this? Are you trying to manipulate the public?
This is a quote from a trusted journalist from the big papers,
Soccer is a sport for stupid, violent peasants, and terrance violence is a soccer thing, not seen in Australia or AFL.
“Soccer is un-Australian”, is a cliche that has been thrown around for years. If you don’t believe my comparison of AFL/Demetriou to the tyrant open up the back pages of any newspaper. The chances are you will read about Buddy Franklin falling out of his bed or Gary Ablett hurting his finger while the biggest competition in the world is being played, the Champions League.
Let’s not forget the World Cup. Where the Socceroos defied all odds and battled like true Australians with Aussie Spirit to eclipse some of the biggest soccer nations in the world. The Herald Sun still managed to print 10 pages of AFL to every page of Soccer. Give me a F%$#ing break.
At the end of the day, Soccer, not the supporters or players, deserves the respect of the Australian media. If you can’t, hands off. Don’t only cover and report the negatives. The positives, the passion, the atmosphere surely outweigh the negatives. Demetriou have you ever stopped and wondered why Soccer is played all over the world? Why soccer players earn on average $100,00 per game and the total AFL salary cap couldn’t pay Christiano Ronaldos wages.
Stop and think for a while, it’s not hard. Have you ever questioned why kids are turning to Soccer? Can you feel the resistance that will inevitably dethrone you in the coming years.
Civil war or should I say battle of the codes is alive and well. Personally I can’t wait till soccer reverts back to a Winter sport here in Australia so it can compete directly with the AFL. What then Demetriou? Your reign is coming to an end and there will be many soccer supporters celebrating while simultaneously chanting S S SSS SSSS Soccer.
To finish up I’ll leave you with this,
Not to mention that in 100years of AFL they still can not get the rules right. There is at least one or two rule changes a year. What a joke of a sport code. ozzie ozzie ozzie oh oh oh
I should have stuck to soccer. I would have had a house in every major city in the world instead I am still running a small cafe trying to earn a living.
amazing insight. Really enjoyed browsing this blog. Keep up the good work and to everyone
keep on learning!