Perfect does not exist. Being perfect is not sustainable and who is perfect anyway?
In the last post we discussed “fail and fail often.” The message was to learn from what’s working. In a nutshell, modify and adjust sessions according to what’s working. Forget about learning from your mistakes for one moment.
If you’re a coach and someone greets you with, “how are you?” or “how’s your team?”
How would you answer?
Can’t win a game and the players lack motivation and discipline. Every month I’m losing a player to another club.
Overall the team is okay but Jack can be a handful. He seems to be unsettling the whole team with his wild antics.
The team has won the majority of games but the parents can be intimidating and very abusive at times.
Next time you’re questioned about the team, highlight the positives and concentrate on the stuff that works. The story you tell, told or foresee comes from you, the coach, not from your team.
What story do you tell?
What story have you told?
What story do you foresee?
What story do you tell yourself ABOUT YOURSELF?
Wise grandparents tell stories of the good ol days. Politicians sell their lies. Drug companies sell a cure and marketers sell a product. We even sell our service to our boss for chump change.
What about you? Do you have something to sell as a coach?
Are you coaching Love Based Soccer? Do you have a mantra that reminds you how good you are? Or do you have something that reminds you that you’re a struggling coach and destined for failure.
When you think, plan, schedule or organize a session, what are you selling? Are you feeding your EGO or coaching from the heart?
You’ve learnt through experience that repetition works, that love motivates and that training will inspire. Everybody knows the power of the mind and the effects of being positive. The world is full of stories, amazing stories from players that had a dream and BELIEVED.
Before you implement any changes, before you try and motivate, inspire and develop your players, I challenge you to do the same.
“May the winds of destiny blow you to the stars”
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