For those that participate in Soccer and for those parenting future soccer stars, answer this please.
What characteristics are needed to play in the World Cup?
Okay, okay lets bring it down a notch. What’s needed to land a professional contract?
I can see you already shaking your head. I can sense and feel the self-doubt through the monitor.
What’s that?
Surely not everyone can play in the World Cup? Surely not everyone is destined for a full time gig, a professional contract?
Why not?
What could possibly stop you?
Don’t blame genetics, your family or your neighborhood for that matter. Don’t blame your cultural background or your financial status.
Yes, the odds are stacked against us. Yes, some players get dealt better hands than others. Yes, there are numerous barriers, obstacles and fears. Yes, the biological clock is ticking, tick, tick, and tick.
But here’s the secret.
The ability to train, to practice and to push weights isn’t determined by your genes, culture or finances. It’s determined by you, it’s a choice.
For those that are parenting youngsters consider support, praise, patience and love. If you haven’t heard about it, where have you been? Love Based Soccer is changing the game and inevitably the odds.
“May the winds of destiny blow you to the stars.”
Great post. It’s so true.
Players need to stop making excuses for their progress like you mentieond in the post.
If you want it bad enough you can find a way to make it. If you work at bettering yourself every day, the opportunity will arise.