Every now and then I search the libraries and the net for that elusive answer to, “what makes a great soccer player and how do i become one”? Many claim to know the answer and some even try to sell you their idea. From my own experiences and that of others, a great player or a superstar is the product of a number of things. To claim there is one answer or one training method would just magnify the level of ignorance you have for the simple game that is made complex from all the myths and lies surrounding it.
Books upon books and literature will emphasise such things as training, fitness, conditioning, skill just to name a few. What about Motivation? To say I’ve read a few books on Soccer would be an understatement. It’s fascinating that most books never mention Motivation or Desire. So what is Motivation? Motivation is the inner power or energy that pushes one towards performing a certain action. Motivation is strongly linked to desire and ambition and if you lack these, the chances are you lack Motivation.
Often coaches, players and even parents have the desire and ambition to get something done or attain a certain goal, but lack the drive, initiative and the willingness to take action. This is very common so don’t be alarmed, this shows a distinct lack of motivation and inner belief (drive).
Motivation strengthens the ambition, increases initiative and gives direction, courage, energy and the persistence to follow one’s dream. A motivated person takes action and does whatever it takes to succeed and accomplish their goals.
So now your wondering how do i get some of this motivation? Motivation is usually high when one has a vision. A vision that is a clear mental image of a certain situation or achievement. So what do you want out of soccer? Have you set yourself goals? Can you see into the future and predict where your soccer talents will take you. Whether your a player, coach or soccer parent, what are your goals? If you have not set yourself goals stop now and decide what you want out of the game?
In case it wasn’t clear above, Motivation is only present when there is a clear vision, a goal. Have you established your goals yet? Think about it, motivation is one of the most important keys to success. Compare a player who lacks motivation and who hardly trains, to a player who is highly motivated and who devotes many hours to training. Without a shadow of a doubt these 2 players will get different results.
Lack of motivation can be seen in a player from the peaks of the highest stadium. These players lack enthusiasm, zest, energy and usually drag their feet when they walk around. Players that are motivated are willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goals and devote many extra hours training and fine tuning their game. A motivated player is also happier, more energetic and usually stays behind at training to sharpen up on his weaknesses.
The rest of this post will be dedicated to the methods and techniques used to gain motivation. Before I start, these are only suggestions, what might work for me might not work for you. But the concepts and principles are the same for all of us. Lets start…….
- Lets begin with the most important, SET A GOAL! It doesn’t have to be one goal it could be many, but set goals. Set yourself a target and strive for it. Pull up your sleeves and get the elbow grease out and don’t stop.
- Once you set goals, make sure you finish your goals. You must come to grips that finishing what you started is very important. You must develop a drive, a hunger that will allow you to reach the finish line. Make a commitment to yourself that once you begin, you have to finish full stop, no excuses.
- Motivation and positive attitudes are contagious. Associate with motivated players that share your dream and passion.
- Read and study the game. This will keep your enthusiasm and ambition alive.
- Look at photos from the newspapers and magazines and imagine the articles are about you.
- Constantly tell yourself through positive affirmations that you will succeed and reach your full potential as a player or coach.
- Never procrastinate. Procrastination leads to laziness which then leads to a lack of motivation. Grit your teeth and get on with it.
- Persistence, patience and a “no-surrender” attitude will only strengthen your motivation. Don’t give up, throw some more fuel into the fire.
- When pursuing your goals and dreams, remember to do it with happiness and joy. After all the journey of life doesn’t stop because of your goals, enjoy it.
At the end of the day, the ability to meet your goals is not easy. No matter how big or small your goals are, you need motivation to get there. Think about achieving your goals in the same way that you think about going to work or driving your car……….simple, easy, no questions asked. As someone said, “Just Do It”.
Thomas, great point. I think this article though is directed to high school age and up. Because i can’t see many 8 year olds implementing your list. Everybody is fueled by something. In the end, it probably will come down to some life experience or encounter that will light the fire beneath you. But who knows what that is, and when is it going to come? I think a lot about children 5-10. Here is what i have noticed with them. They tend to get excited about the things WE adults get excited about. So, if i get excited about volleys, they will try to impress me with volleys. If it is nutmegs, that is what they want to show me. Time and time and time again this has been true everywhere i have gone. So if a family shows excitement in tennis, it will be easier for children in that family to want to pick up a racquet. If it is soccer, that will be the order of the day. The unfortunate thing about soccer is that, our parents and aunts and uncles do not know enough to be able to motivate our children about elements of the game, not just the game. This is why the best kid on the team is that kid who’s dad is 35, played college soccer, and is now the coach of the team. So, the lack of motivation is really a reflection on us and our culture. If we the parents, coaches, teachers etc. get excited about the game, i am 100% positive that our children will be driven to show and do more. Take a ball and put it between the legs of a player who says “i don’t want to play” and i guarantee you, you will drag him or her into a game of soccer. This is the case only if you understand that the game of nutmegging is a game of soccer.