My title has been taken from the Bible of all places. No, this will not be a religious post, nor will I ever talk about religion on this site. But having said that, I’ve just finished reading it and this post has been inspired from some of my findings.
The title of this post simply means you reap what you sow. When I was at university I studied Physics and a man called Sir Isaac Newton created a law that stated, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Aristotle back in the days asserted that we live in a world governed by law, not chance. So what do you make of all of this? Can you see the connection?
My take on all this is simple and you’ve probably already heard it,
Everything happens for a reason.
Aristotle stated this many many years ago. “Everything happens for a reason, whether or not we know what it is”. He said that every effect has a specific cause or causes. He also explained that every cause or action has an effect of some kind, whether we can see it and whether we like it or not.
Simply put, everything is a result of direct and indirect effects or results of specific causes or actions. So what does this mean for us soccer players and coaches? This simply means that if you can be clear about the result you want, you can probably achieve it. As I’ve stated many times and will continue to talk about it, study players or coaches who have achieved what you want and do exactly what they did. Can you get the same results? Why not? Your both human aren’t you?
Before I continue let me clear a myth that angers me every time it comes up in discussion. Great soccer players don’t become great or superstars because they are lucky. Being successful is not a miracle, you have to earn it. Remember, everything happens for a reason, good or bad, positive or negative.
Let me ask you this again,
Do you know what you want out of soccer?
When you are absolutely clear and determined about what you want from soccer, only then can you achieve it.
All religions, philosophies, physics, thoughts, theories and psychology are based on this principle. To simplify the principle into one sentence, it would read like this,
“You become what you think about most of the time”.
What happens when suddenly you lose your form and your performances start to slip? For starters you lose your confidence and your belief. The question is this, are you the same player? Are you the same person? Of course you are!
It is not what happens to you but how you think about what happens to you that determine how you feel and react. It is not your coach, your team or the opposition that dictates your circumstance or your conditions. This is entirely up to you. You create the conditions in your life. Stop making excuses for yourself and pointing the finger, simply start to think.
Looking back when I played this could have helped me a great deal. When things went bad I was always quick to point the finger and play the role of the victim. It never occurred to me back then that my reaction to these situations was indeed the problem.
At the end of the day, everyone is free to choose. No one forces you to play soccer, unless you’re a minor that has a demanding dad. No one forces you to behave the way you do or to feel the way that you do. You choose your emotions and behaviors by the way you choose to think about your situation and what is happening to you. Notice the word think?
When you score a goal, your attitude and confidence immediately rises and you feel fantastic. The euphoria makes you feel great and this feeling gets shared amongst your team mates. But what happens when you get benched or dropped from the team? You immediately become upset, angry and short tempered, even if the decision to drop you was right.
So the take home message for the day is this,
Interpret things for yourself and react accordingly. Just a simpler way of saying, whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall reap.
Once in a while stand back and look into your situation or problem and Think.
If you can do this everything else will fall into place.
True. Focus on how you play, on the game itself, and your total performance. Playing great on a single game will not take into account the rest of the games, just like on any sport. There is always how you work and how you perceive whatever happens.
Hi, gr8 post thanks for posting. Information is useful!