Soccrastination (soc-kras-tuh-ney-shuhn) is the deferment of soccer to a later time, often a mechanism for coping with fear or self-doubt.
Don’t Google the word, it doesn’t exist, it’s one of my creations.
If you’ve been playing soccer for a while, you know the pain of soccrastination.
You know how ugly soccrastination can be. Soccrastination disrupts your goals; crushes your spirit and can make you second guess your ability.
It can take you from daily training to letting days, weeks or even months pass you by without kicking a ball. It can even make you question whether you’re cut out for this gig; you know the one, the full time professional.
Soccrastination allows you to postpone and defer things until tomorrow. But tomorrow never eventuates.
Not right now!
Has it stopped raining yet?
Lets start tomorrow are all symptoms of a soccrastinator. Let me finish my take away while playing Xbox is another great example of a soccrastinator.
Thomas Jefferson (3rd president of the USA) declared, “never put off till tomorrow what you can do today”.
Abraham Lincoln said, “you cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”
John F Kennedy demanded, “the future starts today, not tomorrow”.
But my favorite of all time, “learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” None other than Albert Einstein.
What’s that?
You’re not a soccrastinator because you eventually get to training. But let me ask you this. Is training like banging your head against a brick wall? Are you afraid of the pain that goes hand in hand with training?
You wouldn’t call yourself a soccrastinator because you do train, fair enough.
However, is training so painful that you can’t bring yourself to do it very often?
So let me ask you again, are you a soccrastinator?
If so, here comes the remedy, the magic potion if you like.
I call this exercise “the secret of soccer” and when you do it right, amazing things start to happen. All the good habits of soccer miraculously appear in you. The secret of soccer is forever tattooed on the walls of your brain when you believe and train.
That’s it!
When you believe and train, you begin to think and act like a soccer player, like a champion, not like a soccrastinator.
“May the winds of destiny blow you to the stars.”
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