When you complain, you become the victim. Hang on, let me grab you some tissues.
Does soccer happen to you or do you actually have a say in the matter?
Complaining, also known as venting is regarded by many as a past time. The most cynical would even argue that venting, if done correctly with the right audience is better than sex. Go figure.
If the beautiful game is getting the better of you and you find yourself complaining all the time, take a deep breath and listen.
Many psychologists, scientists and who ever proclaims to know it all suggest that venting is a great way to let out your worries or built in frustrations. Please, I don’t have a degree in psychology or social behavior but this advice stinks. Sounds like I’m complaining which would make this article a great paradox.
Don’t get me wrong here. In some cases venting is required just like a pressure cooker releases steam. But save your complaining for the people who care about you the most. Only these people will actually help you with your problems.
Since it’s the start of the year I would like to challenge you.
After you finish reading this you have to make me a promise. Agree? I hope you haven’t agreed without hearing the proposition first.
From now on you will never complain on the soccer field again. Stop scratching your head and think for a minute. Do you really want to be the player who complains, whines, swears, points the finger and suffers out loud?
Do you?
Is this the look you’re after?
Players that complain tend to lose their likeability quick smart. So what, I hear you complain. After 30 years of the game I can assure you without a shadow of a doubt that likeability is just as important as skills or any level of fitness.
You don’t believe me?
You could be a solid player on the borders of greatness and never get a game if no one likes you. Coaches and managers alike will think twice before signing you if they feel the soccer community does not like you.
Stop complaining!
If you need to vent, only complain to people you trust and to those who have your best interest at heart. Remember, no more complaining on the green pastures.
Can you keep this promise? Only time will tell. But rest assured, if you keep this promise your likeability will increase significantly. Your silence will also allow you to tackle your demons and to take action to rectify them.
Last but not least, stop punching your fists at the screen in disgust. I’m allowing you to vent to loved ones when necessary to avoid the risk of you exploding.
“May the winds of destiny blow you to the stars.”
Hey, what’s going on?
Just wanted to share a contest with your soccer fan readers. Email me at the provided address and I’ll get you some more info 🙂