Most parents ask the question, “At what age should kids start playing soccer?”
When is the best time to start playing soccer?
When is it time to start getting serious about the game?
The best time to start is when your parents can afford it.
The best time to start is when you’ve finished your homework.
The best time to start is when you’re a little bit older.
The best time to start is when you’re a little taller, stronger and wiser.
The best time to start is when you grab the latest Nikes.
The best time to start is when your coach tells you to.
The best time to start is when you lose some weight.
The best time to start is when you practice some more.
The best time to start is when your grades improve.
The best time to start is when you start behaving.
The best time to start is when you listen to your parents.
The best time to start is when you select the appropriate club.
The best time to start is when the weather clears up.
The best time to start is when the greenhouse effect subsides.
As you continue to R-E-A-D this, you’ve probably got the message. The best time to start was a year ago, 5 years ago and possibly 10 years ago.
The second BEST TIME to start is RIGHT NOW!
“May the winds of destiny blow you to the stars.”
Something different in an article, I like it – but agree at the same time. 🙂