Soccer Drills For Kids: Changing Position- Relay
If the explanation is confusing, remember to press the link at the bottom of the post to see the drill in animation.
Purpose: Warm Up Routine.
No of Players: Maximum of 8 Players.
Playing Area: Approx 30*5m.
Duration: 15-20 Minutes.
Outline: Quick first time Passing, with rapid changing of Positioning.
Rules: Players are divided into 2 teams of 4 which take up position in 2 single files, facing one another and some 25m apart. The first player passes the ball to the front player of the opposite line and then quickly runs in the same direction, but goes to the back of the line. The ball reciever passes the ball with his first touch, returning it immediately to the starting side and then quickly runs to the opposite side and round to the back of the line. This sequence is repeated until the time duration elapses.
- Stipulate method of passing to be used. Changing it around, instep, out step and driving the ball.
- Erect a small goal or target between the 2 groups, each player needs to pass the ball through the targets.
- The player who passes the ball, can also act as a non-challenging defender.
- Advanced: Passing can be done with the head. Move the 2 groups closer together so they can head the ball to each other.
Drill Tips: “Accuracy before Speed.” Concentrate on accuracy first in any competition between groups.
Soccer Drills For Kids: Changing Positions- Relay
Remember to keep this Soccer Drill short and fun. Its primary purpose is to get your team warmed up. As the coach you can thrown in a point system so that when ever a player makes a bad pass or a mistake, the other team is awarded a point. Obviously the team with the most points wins.
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