What is motivation? Whether you’re a player, coach or parent, what motivates you to drop everything and spend your precious time on the soccer field?
Motivation is something that induces action, makes you act or react to certain circumstances. Agree? Motivation gives birth to a motive. What’s a motive you ask. A motive is the inner urge that makes you act the way that you do. It’s when you get home tired from work only to get changed and ready for training. It’s when the bills are piling up but the money you spend on your child’s training is not seen as a cost but an investment.
It’s the hope that starts as an action in an attempt to produce the desired result. Desired results may differ from players to players, but the driving force is the same. Why do you take your children to soccer? Most parents will assure me that it’s a good habit, that sports is essential for healthy living and every other diplomatic answer they can conjure up. The brutal answer is this,
Parents take their kids to soccer and hope that they become the next David Beckham or Fernando Torres. They hope they can provide the pathway to fame and fortune. To create a life for them that they did not get the opportunity to pursue. If you’re shaking your head, then you’re not being honest. Which parent in their right mind wouldn’t wish the best for their children. Which parent wouldn’t love sitting in the stands where thousands of supporters worship him and chant his name.
Soccer without a shadow of a doubt is the biggest and greatest sport in the world. It gives people that have no food, hope, that one day they can earn a living doing what they love. Big companies all over the world exploit this and try and sell products that will guarantee you soccer success. The products might work, they may not. But they are selling you the dream. They are giving you hope.
Hope is the most beautiful thing in the world. The day you give up on hope is the day you become engulfed with everyday pressures that stem from a society, so wound up that it could snap at any minute. Is that what you want for yourself and your kids? Grinding it out just to pay the bills, to make ends meet. No way. We want the lights. We want the headlines and we want to play professional soccer.
After reading this can you tell me why you attend training or allow your kids to participate in soccer? Can you see where the motivation comes from? It all comes from hope.
That one day, your dream, that mirage that dangles infront of you from a distance, becomes a reality.
Why is it that parents get upset at their kids when they fool around during training? When their not listening or concentrating. Is it because you want them to have fun? Or is it because you have envisioned watching your child play from the heights of the greatest stands in the world.
You attend and make your kids play because it gives you hope. It’s that small chance or percentage that could make the world of difference that motivates you.
So the question is,
How do I motivate my youngsters?
I’ll save you alot of time and suggest this, If you cannot provide the following, stop taking your children to soccer or to any other sport for that matter.
It is important to know how to motivate others in an effective manner and in a desirable direction. It’s even more important when the others are your children.
First suggestion, wait for it because its rocket science,
- Having confidence in a yougster gives him confidence in himself. Sounds easy doesn’t it. Are you doing it?
When your child feels warmth, love, safe and any other emotions they should feel from their parents, guess what? The defences are down and relaxed. He is able to stop spending emotional energy protecting himself from the percieved, possible hurts of failure. Failure? I thought your kids play soccer because it’s fun. Why would they be threatened and scared of failing.
Let your kids spend their energy chasing the dream and reaching for the probable rewards of soccer success with the aid of your confidence and support. Hmmm confidence and support. So what I’m trying to say is that you can motivate your kids, players and others by having faith in them. Faith is one of the strongest emotions because it assumes that you will succeed. Have you ever heard this,
I have faith in you son!
When you motivate others by having faith in them, then you must have active faith. You must commit your belief. You must say,
“I know you are going to succeed, so I have committed myself and others to your success. We are always here, waiting for you……..”
When you have that kind of faith in your kids, players or anyone else, they will succeed.
To finish this post I’d like to add this,
Hope gives powerful strength to mind and body. The purity of our wishes or desires is not just a means aimed at building up confidence; It is based on the utmost truth.
Hope all is well.
I think this post requires a BIG warning label.
IF you show your son or daughter that kind of active faith and support, they might not end up a great soccer player.
But they will probably end up great.
Like anything in life, humanity and philanthropy should always be your number one priority.
A friend gave me your site, and I must say I enjoy reading your articles.Keep the PURITY going cause somewhere along the way I lost it .
Well done
Thanks for the feedback George, really appreciate it.
I don’t think you’ve lost the purity, perhaps your perceptions and expectations have changed.
There’s a great Chinese saying
“I hated the shoes I was wearing till I met the guy with no feet.”