Where does the love of soccer come from?
A better question might be, where does the love of sport-any sport- come from?
Does it begin at training or during a match? Does it come from the glitz and glam of television or attending packed stadiums?
I’d answer a definite NO to all of the above.
The love of soccer starts (wait for it) in the backyard or better known as the field of dreams with YOU, mum and dad. Where anything is possible and where the biggest dreams are dreamt.
The beauty of the backyard is this, with time, everybody joins in. Eventually friends join in, neighbours join and if you have a dog, the dog joins in.
Good Times.
A quick story if I may.
2 boys aged 4 and 6, if you asked them, 4-1/2 and 6-1/2. Interest in soccer on a scale of 1 to 10, 4
Interest in Wii, Star Wars leggo to be exact, 9.
Tough battle.
Enter the backyard.
Enter some fun, small sided games and soccer all of a sudden becomes fun and interesting.
When work allows and the boys aren’t in their pajamas already, the backyard comes alive.
David versus Goliath, okay, 2 little boys versus me.
We play on synthetic grass that remains a lush green colour all year around. Gives even Wembely a run for its money. The boys protect a small goal while I try and defend a goal the length of the backyard. Makes for some interesting score lines with the current edge going to the boys.
Fun, laughter and quality time spent together has evolved in the boys attending Soccer clinics and Football (AFL) clinics every Saturday morning, back to back. That’s right, 9.30am Football followed by an hour of Soccer 10.30am. This is coming from two young boys who spent their time playing Wii on the weekends and had very little interest in sports.
For those with little ones, start in the backyard and let the love for the game evolve. Make it fun, make it easy to begin with and let them develop with a smile.
Fast forward a year and now the boys look forward to the Saturday clinics. Not only that, on most nights, they eagerly wait by the door for my return from work pulling at my trousers.
“Let’s play football!”
What really excites me is when they trash talk and work together as a team. All of a sudden, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader can hear laughter and carry on from the backyard and wonder what happened to those little boys that were glued to the television.
The backyard is where your children will fall in love with soccer. Make it fun; make it progressively harder and the skies the limit.
After several failed attempts to get the boys to attend clinics, they are now snapping at my heels to play and proudly wear their Collingwood jumper followed by the mighty Liverpool jersey.
“May the winds of destiny blow you to the stars.”
The backyard is where i learned to love sports in general. Being an american baseball player, this is where i was able to practice with my dad from age 3. myself and my three younger brothers would have competitions in the backyard that eventually developed our love for sports, as well as a fun hard work ethic. The backyard is where it always begins!
Summer is here, now i play soccer every afternoon with my kids
Well said Jordan, the backyard is where it definitely all begins.
@Sofian, great stuff, hope you’re having fun!!!
Soccer is a much cheaper alternative to the Wii and so much healhier than being stuck indoors. My daughter loves going out to the garages and kicking a ball around and all kids should be encouraged to do so!
I have had hours of fun kicking the ball around with my 6 year old. He picks up on it fast and I get in a good cardio burn.
i really love my backyard that’s where i learn how to play football and i have magical memories there i am gonna show my kids how to play football in our backyard
My 8 year old grandson comes to spend everyother weekend with us and he has both Papa and I in the backyard playing soccer with him for hours. Not only are spending quality time together, we are all getting some good, fun exercise.
Yes, I completely agree with this article. There is no doubt in my mind, that anyone who loves sports, first fell in love in their own back yard. That is where you first learn the basics, and have fun with your family at the same time.
I remember, when I was around the ages of 5 to 9 years old, I loved playing sports with my family in our yard. We played baseball, soccer, kickball, football, and badminton. My dad taught me how to throw a football high and far, my uncle taught me how to kick a soccer ball, using the inner part of my foot, and my mother taught me how to stop hitting the baseball so hard straight into her knees! Haha.
I had great fun as a child playing sports with my family in our own yard.
This is hard – I agree wholeheartedly with what you are saying about backyard soccer – sports in general – I can remember as a kid, we didn’t have a backyard but there was a nearby alley that we used daytimes for kicking the ball and playing dodge ball and such…today’s children without a backyard are not as lucky. Alleys and streets are no place to be playing. What alternatives would you suggest for kids who live in apartment units with no play area? I’ve taken my kids to neighborhood parks which work well – but it involves planning.
My son is two and a half years old. At that age soccer is the only sport that can be played with any sort fo enjoyment. Badminton, volleyball, basketball…none of those will do. He has been kicking that ball around in the backyard since he was around one and a half. Endless hours of play and great for development of motor skills. It’s very entertaining to see skills honed at such a young age. At first he was just kicking the ball but over time he has learned to kick and pass, direct the ball and run with it. Great sport! Long live backyard soccer!
The backyard is the best place to play sports. No pressure to win or outdo anyone on the pitch but just you and your family playing for fun.
I went to college on a soccer scholarship, and i spent more time playing backyard soccer than video games. When started playing soccer at the age of 12 i was way below everyone’s skills, after 2 seasons i was team captian. How? By practicing in the backyard everyday…
I still remember when my parents bought us a soccer net for Christmas, It was one of those legit ones pretty big we played every day after school for years. I am 1 of 5 and me and 2 other of my brothers ended up playing at college. To this day I still believe it was the greatest gift i ever got. kids these days really need to get out more and play video games less, but its not the kids fault its their parents fault for not pushing them and getting them outdoors.
Great stuff. The backyard is the field of dreams, That is where I learned and found my love for basketball. The thing I like most about this article is the realization that all you need to do is get your kids into the backyard and make it fun and there is no telling what the future may hold.
I totally agree. If more parents would spend a little time in the yard with their kids instead of in front of a television set, then we might not be the fatty people we are! I say grab your kids and get in the yard! 😀
When i first started i played to play soccer i played in my friends backyards at first i really sucked. After playing for about 3 months every weekend just playing around not taking it seriously i actually started to get better and after a year of playing i actually got to join my middle school soccer team. Playing in the backyard whether your just playing or taking it seriously is a great way to get started and gain experience.
I believe the backyard is where all people learn sports. They are young, eager for fun. They may just play around with their friends, or have a father or older sibling teach them “proper sports” in their back yard. Many people’s fondest memories I’m sure are just playing around, having a ball in their back yard with their friends and family.
You are so right! I fondly remember the fun and closeness from playing backyard soccer with my dad and sisters when I was a kid. When my son was younger, I introduced him to it, too. Better to exercise in the fresh air than in front of the tv, I believe, and a great way to involve everyone in the family!
Well, Considering the fact that I’ve been playing soccer consistently since I was a little boy, I think the best way to learn soccer is to do it in the backyard where you can easily bust some moves.
I enjoyed playing football from a very young age and wanted to play in the 20-a-side games over the Lakes and always played football with my Dad and Uncle in the back yard as I was growing up. It was such fun
You really know what you’re writing about! I used to love soccer as a kid, and wanted to pass that love to my kids, but I didn’t know how. This article has given me an idea of what to do. Thanks.
It seems like everything, even sport, is done online these days but I have such great memories of playing soccer in the backyard with my dad and my brothers! Every kid should get out in the sun in their own garden, it’s so healthy 🙂 it was really great fun and great family time.
I loved playing soccer in our backyard. It was so simple since you just needed a ball – and some luck not to break any windows! 🙂 I agree with you that kids learn to love a sport in the backyard.
I love playing soccer with my son in our back yard, I recently installed a nice goal post I designed. He plays Goalie while I take practice shots. I always look forward to playing really great times
I agree, my husband and my eldest started out in the back yard with a cheap football net from the car boot sale. My son is now 7 and plays for our local team in the Saturday morning league. But even now him and his mates will still go out in the yard for practice several times a week, and he’s certainly now fitter than my husband!
Ohh I love to play soccer in the back yard with my nieces and nephews. It is such a ball. I feel so comfortable not having to worry about them in the street and getting hurt. They are safe and we have a wonderful time.
yes this article is true the backyard is were my family plays sports now and i did as a child!
i always like to take my brother with me in various sports places, we basically used to play football and basketball most. Me, my brother and my cousins are gather and play football in our yard, i really miss those time, Hate this busy days…..